Dec 25, 2008

December Greetings..!!

Ok, its almost the end of December and I finally decide to put my laziness to rest and get back to posting after almost a month's hiatus. This post is a poem (well, thats what I call it! :D), which has been in my mind for sometime, but as this is my first one, I needed sometime to collate them into what we call the 'poem-like' structure. Its about the month December, which is quite evident, and my first winter here.

the Dawn seemed to take its time
the Sound of Wind devouring clear

the Snowy Mantle lay serene

on the color of Spring, which is green.

the Sprouting charm demeanor ornamental
to the damsel Landscape,
whose delicacy cannot suffice in narration,

embeds one's misery to oblivion.
the conspicuous grace of the Nature

drew me to an entangled delusion

and now I knew, how to say,

the December here, Greets its way!


Lakshmi said...

harish ur poem is charming i say...
it takes me back to my literature days.. :D

Aparna Radhakrishnan said...

Good effort!( I would say "complicated simple thoughts" though)
The line "....embeds one's misery to oblivion" is excellent.. very true. Nice pics as well!

Unknown said...

tnx aparna

MsRulz said...

Dei change the text color for Radical Impulsions...!! difficult to read that against the blue background

Unknown said...

i tried.. but its not changing..!! :( anyways am going to change the theme soon..!!