Now, its the 10th month of independent life stage going on for me (with respect to living alone..!!) and the journey so far has been nothing less than exciting. Not that I don't miss my folks back home, which forms the only part of misery I have to go overcome, but the thought of a new tomorrow suppresses them. So I carried out one of the explorations today of cooking non-vegetarian dish and thought of trying out a complete chicken. Earlier I had a bad experience with Tuna but a good one with Prawns. It was chicken's turn now. So got a full chicken, not cut, just with the proper dressings. The first look at it, was pretty satisfying, which was short-lived, when Vamsi and Eb (both good at non-veg cooking!) chuckled saying that this was the most difficult as it would take hours to cut it into pieces. How did they know, they fell for it too :D.

Not the kinda feedback I would ve liked to listen, nevertheless, I couldnt return it now, so had to do something about it. An easier option would have been to soak it in spices for sometime and shove it in an oven, but our dorm doesn't have one. So had to go the tougher option. As I started, with every cut, my respect for the halaals (bhais in tamil) only kept increasing. I had to take be extra careful not to cut myself (already there isn't much part of my hand left without a bruise!) and the fact that the chicken was slippery, didnt make it much easier. It took not less than hour to finally cut them and start cooking and finally after 2 hours, I was able to hog on to some chicken delicacy. Oh yes! they were delicious :)..!!
A pic of the same..!!
Typo here - "Not that I miss my folks back home"
Not that you don't look like one (Bhaii)!!
Now you have proven indeed!!
well its ironical to c it comng from some1 whose used to chopping some mice..!!! :P
Dude..I got a license to kill ;)
german license ya Indian..?? yahan bhi paise dekar mangwayi kya..?? anyways.. in a good way i didn't kill the chicken..!! :D i just helped its way to fulfilling its last desires of forming a good feast..!!
machi kalakitta.. i know how tough it is to prepare chicken.. we tried once and we end up cooking something like chicken halwa :)
lol..!! all these r the result of once failed experiments and constant learning..!! :P :D anyways i will b glad to send u the recipe if u want..!!
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