A hectic day, with Murphy doing a Disco on you with all his laws, the last thing you would want to see is a pathetically foggy evening, completely sucking out all the glimpse of cheer from you (Dementor-ed - to talk in J.K.Rowling's language). I almost experienced a Harry Potter, except for the Dementors. Right then, after glorifying winter, the snow, the ice, etc, in my previous posts, I cant help but only lament, not coz of the winter but its duration, lasting for a bloody 7 months. Too much of anything always gets on the nerves, and this is a perfect illustration (as if I asked for one...!!). The sun, with its celebrity status in this part of the world, makes sure that its importance is acknowledged (wouldnt mind spending some time for suryo-tsavam, if available..!!). The last summer, having experienced just a month of frost, I wondered about people going crazy during the summers. The sounds like, "Hey its summer..!!", "we are going for a hike..!!" , "lets go cycling..!!", "BARBEQUE..!!!", "woah..!! swimming", "fishing..!!" (in God's name please..!!!) and lastly "what are you planning for summer?" would reiterate. The only thought that would come across, quite obviously, "so its summer, big deal..!!", after coming from a place where summer lasts for major part of the year. Less did I know that realization would blow such a jackhammer. At lunch, with my colleagues, the only discussion I get with me, "so, how are you handling the winter?" and each time my answer has only got bitter and bitter. The seniors had also warned that winters are depressing and I got my answer to the question, which had prompted then, "Winter..depressing..!!??" Its not like I havent experienced winter, but only for 3 months. What could get even worse, or in a way is also a positive part, is lurking behaviour of the sun. If it appears for 2 days, making it a pleasant day, it disappears for the next 5 days. The positive here is, atleast it appears for those 2 days. "Who's complaining of the sun or the heat now?" Time does reverse..!!! I surely need some tea (substitute for chocolate) and a patronus charm..!!
Exactly.. This is my first real winter too and it is really getting on my nerves.. We had a bit of sunshine for 3 days this week (YES!!!) even though it was cold and we could not really 'feel' the sun.. now its back to its usual gloomy, (and worst of all) rainy days. I've heard really bad things about Seattle's weather (it rains for at least 9 months a year) but I always thought I would not mind not having sushine.... I wish I was back in Florida again or even better, back in Chennai again!!
u bet man..!! Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, is the need of the hour..!!
machan rains r also better recd, atleast it makes u happy when u get wet in rain..!! :P but here.. u cant stay out at all..!! grrrrrrrrrr..!!! Suu yuki could be transferred to this place..!!
last winter was better ... this one is getting on my nerves :( ... Global warming sounds interesting :D
its interlinked..!! ironically, the winter will only get longer and colder..!!
I bet this winter is getting on my nerves likewise!!
God, we can do with a little bit of sunshine..Hope he is listenin!
yeah i hope the same too..!! actually u can try luring the sun god out, with tht mantra which comes in Mahabharat..!! in return u might even get a kid..!! wht say..?? ;)
yes i am pretty sure arpita will agree to tat plan o urs harish u nutcase!!
@ arpita: ek solid kick diya usse? :P
Voilla..not bad..with the bunch of useless guys on earth, I guess we might as well resort to the heavenly clan!!
Girl..Ahimsa zindabad!Let the aforementioned do the damage ;)
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