Quoting Neil Armstrong, the landing of Apollo 11 on moon, is a giant leap, inspired from a small step. The intriguing part here, which struck me is, the event does not have to be as big as Apollo 11 landing on moon, each and every step is giant leap, except that one realizes it at a later stage.
Talking about the subject, I was just having a chat with a friend of mine, and as its been raining relationships (engagement, marriages, babies, etc) in the past year, I wasn't surprised to get the news of the engagement of quite a close friend. However, what did strike me is the closer are the people related to the event, the greater is the impact one takes on self. It took me sometime to dissolve the news. It is good and sometimes unbelievable(talking in time sense..!!) to get the fact that people who have been around us and spent time laughing all the way, are in those small transits, which eventually are the giant leaps for them, and in-turn for everyone around them (One needs to get serious at some stage..!!!).
Personally, a year and a half ago, I remember sitting before a consultant, who said I could go abroad in a month for studying and I was like, are you crazy..!! So,when I landed here, the fact that I was going to another country, was itself a big achievement, but as I turn around, it is a small initiative, as the survival so long, has over-whelmed it. What lay forth is a series of Hurdles, every leap on a hurdle, requires a short run, made of small steps..!!!
Yeh tumhara paer(feet) hai??
Yaar..must say bade healthy the tum bachpan main!!
OOpsy..foot hai?
its not mine, nevertheless, i ve always been healthy..!! :D
Good topicHarish...
Life is all about getting satisfied over little little things in life( for example this opne you posted about).The one that is big thing to you ,in future it will be a part of the much bigger success you gonna achieve..
So gathering thme too is fun and making them part of happiness is another big thing in life..
what say??
Bingo..!!its a cumulative process.!!!
rukhi si zindagi se,
thaki si zindagi se,
kuch lamhein churalon na!!
zindagi rukti nahi, thakaan mitthi nahi!
reh jaathe hain kuch lamhe jo simatthe rehethi!!
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