Feb 22, 2009

The Study Holiday 'vows'..!!!

The Educational system works and expects us to work meticulously, right from the start, ordered something like - attend classes, learn, study and prove(exams..!!!) on a 'daily' basis, except for me, this is more of a hypothesis. So I generally work like attend classes (possibly), learn (if its not a boring lecture..!!), study (not daily..!!) and ofcourse there's no escape from the exams. Exams are kinda fun, makes me realize that I have learnt something. However, the en route to them is kinda testing, the fact that keeping a month's time to learn the 4-month course work, obviously does put up quite a challenge. One of the few things, which seems to be always by my side, preventing the nostalgia from springing up (lame excuse..!!).

Right then, as always I start the course work with a month's time before the exams in the so called 'study hols', and as it always happens, the plan would easily envy the best strategists, except that the best plans would never get laid [:P]. Right from the school onwards, the special affinity to 'utilising' the study hols would always sprout new interests other than studying, unfolding a wide activity range from decorating the room to helping folks with home-work. On a normal day dismantling my computer would be quite frustrating, but during study hols it would be like an eight year old opening his b'day present , the fact that I had an old computer made the job even easier. The most curious incident would be finding the most interesting novels during these times, making me wonder - how in world I didnt get my hands on it a month ago or rather - time for some literature! The syndrome seems to have come with me here too, with a small modification, of finding amazingly addictive sitcoms, just a month before the exams. If it was naruto (I'l always blame this on William-my roommate) in the first sem, its How I Met Your Mother (totally Madhan's fault..!!!)this sem. It also happens that I find the best songs and new artists, making me ponder more on their songs. In the end, the day just ends with me actually taking a break to study in between, rather than sitting before the laptop and watching it continuously, where the actual scene should have been the reverse. A reason why I dont stay at my dorm during the evenings on the weekdays and the weekends peak with efficient time waste. Anyways, as I am about to finish this post, as I listen to 'Beautiful beats by Nada Surf' (One of the recent discoveries, today to be precise -an amazing song..!!) my next step would be to watch one more episode of HIMYM, and hopefully complete the topic that I had started today morning.


Gypsy said...

:) All too familiar! Dunno why deadlines have a way of killing enthusiasm. As I type this I'm blissfully ignoring a few of my own deadlines... aah the joys of last minute running around!

Unknown said...

tht is so true..!! :D gets the thrills into motion..!! :D :D

MsRulz said...

How many seasons of HIMYM have you completed :P

Unknown said...

done with all the episodes so far for all the 4 seasons..!!

MsRulz said...

Cool... So don't blame me for any more distractions... Suit up and study!! :P

Unknown said...

yeah right.!!! like its gonna b legend-wait for it-dary..!!!